Wednesday, April 27, 2016


oil on canvas

I loved how the sun was exploding off of this barn along with the shadows from the trees surrounding it.  


Oil on canvas

I've always wanted to try a painting using blocks of color.  This was an interesting study.  Not so sure how well I pulled it off, but I enjoyed using the brighter colors and working on a more pared down composition.  

Moonlit Garden

Oil on canvas board

Sometimes when I finish working on a painting for the day I will have some extra paint.  If there is enough left I will freeze it for use later, but if not, I just scrape it onto a canvas.  After layers and layers of leftovers this painting developed!  

Monday, April 11, 2016

High Meadow

High Meadow
oil on canvas

I have always loved this meadow in Yellowstone National Park.  It seems so peaceful and quiet (and wet!).  I enjoyed working on that aspect as well as continuing to develop my skills in painting distance.