Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Poured Out

Poured Out
Oil on canvas panel

Driving over a ridge in Colorado this summer we came on this scene in the distance.  2015 was a year of a lot of rain, flooding even, which caught us up from years of drought. 

Redeemed by the Lamb

Redeemed by the Lamb
oil on canvas

Painted this a while back after a trip to Israel.  The humble poses of so many praying at the Wailing Wall always touch me.  After I finished it just seemed like something was missing.  Reference to Exodus 12:21-27 and Matthew 26:28 prompted me to add a finishing touch.  

Monday, November 16, 2015

Empty Seats. Paris. November 13, 2015

Empty Seats
Paris.  November 13, 2015
20x30 oil on canvas

Ironic that I was working on this painting of Paris, when the city was attacked last Friday.  My original plan was to name it "time out", but as I finished the picture today and thought about the loss, all I could see were the empty seats.  

Monday, November 2, 2015

Gray Winter

16x20 oil on canvas

So, this is an example of learning to stay loose and free in painting.  (My bugga-boo)  This canvas had a painting of a woman that I worked on and worked on and worked on.  I just couldn't get her.  There was some nice texture on the canvas, so one day I just mixed a bunch of grays and went after it with a whole new scene.  From a portrait of sorts to a landscape!  Why not.  It was so much fun and the texture and underpainting added richness and depth to this snow scene.   This view was from a bridge in Garmisch, Germany.  

Moon over cliffs

9x12 oil on canvas

This was taken from Cliff Dwellers Lodge in Marble Canyon looking toward the Vermillion Cliffs.  The moon was just hanging there looking all clear and beautiful as if the cliffs weren't enough to take in.  

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Plein Air

oil on canvas board

oil on canvas board

Spent a beautiful afternoon with a good friend and fellow painter painting outside at Lake Lewisville.  We were there for a women's retreat with Grace Bible Church.  Only the second time to paint outdoors and we had a blast.  

Hill Country Oak

oil on canvas

From a picture taken on the side of the road in the Hill Country of Texas.  So much I love about this because it just feels like home.  

Little Bit

Little Bit
11x14 Oil on canvas board

What a delight to paint this cutie.  She's all grown up now, and just as cute.  

Sunday, October 4, 2015


oil on canvas

What can I say?  I love cows.  They are so easy to attach personality to and a calf is even better.  
This is one of the few paintings I did during our sabbatical this summer.  

Camellia in Paris

Oil on canvas

After the birth of our first grandson (in Germany) we took a brief trip to Paris.  Saw this beautiful camellia and had to take a picture.  Having it framed for a door prize at the Grace Bible Church women's retreat.  Hope someone enjoys it as much as I enjoyed painting it!


Oil on canvas

Painted this truck from a friend's ranch.  Lots of fun to paint because I loved the subject, the shadows and light as well as using lots of paint and a palette knife.